Wednesday 7 December 2011

Agra and Delhi (second time lucky)

Our first stop in Agra was the Taj Mahal. This was the place we were most looking forward to visiting in India and it didn't disappoint. It really is a beautiful as everyone says it is, the only downside was the number of people there but I guess when you visit a place such as this then you can't expect much else.
The Taj Mahal (and us)

Leanne jumping for joy!

We spent a an hour walking around the site, when you get up close you really appreciate the intricate detail and workmanship, its no surprise it took about 20000 people and 22 years to build. We were hoping to see it at sunrise when it is meant to appear a different colour but apparently at this time of the year it is too foggy in the morning. Whether this is true or if it was just our driver wanting a lie in we aren't sure!

Agra isn't a very nice place to visit and other than the Taj Mahal the only other place worth visiting is Agra Fort. We weren't expecting much but we were impressed. It offered some fantastic views of the Taj Mahal and we had a more relaxing walk around the ruins of the old fort.

A courtyard in Agra Fort ( I am not at all jealous of Leanne's new camera and all its features)

 The next day we made our way back to Delhi. It is a 2 hour train journey but it takes 6 hours in a car. We couldn't really understand why this would be but we soon reaslised. Traffic was horredous, as always in India. To make matters worse there was a festival in a temple which we passed. I have never seen so many people along one road before. And it as just as bad on it, buses with people on the roof, tractors, rickshaws, taxis, cars, trucks, horses, cows, camel and elephants you name it it was on our road! People seemed to be camping out near the temple but it was in  horrible state, there was rubbish everywhere, at one point I saw a small child having a poo a metre away from a mother and baby eating. Makes you appreciate what we have back home.

(A video of the traffic should go here but these computers are prehistoric and would not load it even though we have been here almost 3 hours. (sorry Army no videos but just use your imagination instead))

So the journey pretty much took up our whole day. Our hotel in Delhi is a bit of a dump. Old, smelly and dirty. Needless to say we whacked out our silk sleeping bag liners to protect us from the sheets. Not wanting to spend too much time in our hole we went out for food. It was possibly one of the nicest meals so far and it only cost about 4 quid for both of us. 
Mmmmmm Dosai
 We visited Arkshadam Temple the next day after surviving our first night in Delhi. Unfortunately we weren't allowed any bags or cameras in so we don't have any photos but it was beautiful. It was built only 30 years ago (I think) so it doesn't have the same history as some other places but it was still magnificent. It was however a bit too touristy as there was 3 exihibitions which I thought were a waste of time. One of them proclaimed that India or an Indian invented/discovered:

1. The laws of gravity before Newton.
2. Pi
3. Trigonometry before Pythagoras (even though he is the father of trigonometry)
4. Chess
5. University
6. Plastic Surgery and Vetinary science
7. And aeroplanes and spaceships

I find this hard to believe!

Anyway back to the real world, (and what Leanne wants to talk about) the food court there was amazing. We had a Thali and samosas. I am happy to accept that Indians invented these.

On the way back to our hotel we visited India Gate at sunset. 
India Gate
There was lots of people and hawkers here and Leanne was set upon by three Henna 'artists'.

Today was our last day in India and we visited Qutab Minar (a big column). Again it was a really beautiful place but our experience there was somewhat tainted by the hoards of school children harrasing us for handshakes and photos. At one point I was sure they mistook us for Brad and Angelina but then I realised Leanne was Chinese so that couldn't have been the case. (maybe Brad and Lucy Liu). We literally couldn't get away from them at one point a security guard had to come and tell them to go away!
A small group attacking Leanne ( we can't figure out how to rotate)

Rob with Qutab Minar

We also seen these two green birds amongst the stone monuments, 10 points to whoever can tell us what type of bird they are. It also gave me a chance to play Leanne's camera.
Possible wildlife photograph of the year I think!
On the way back to the city centre we visited Dilli Haat, a bazaar with non-pushy sellers and the last and best curry we have had in India.

The photo does not do it justice

We lethargically ambled around the market with our full bellies before coming to this internet cafe.

We fly out of Delhi tomorrow for Bangkok. Our time in India didn't start well but it really picked up and was a good introduction for our 8 months away. Our overall impressions of India are busy, loud, dirty, colourful and friendly. India has a rich history and some of the sights we have seen were amazing, we are sad to leave (but relieved to leave our hotel).

We hope this blog wasn't too long but we felt we had so much to share, we really enjoy reading your comments so please keep them coming.

Fun Fact (keeping with bird theme) : India's national bird is the Peacock!


  1. loved reading so far, appart from ive just read the whole thing...n it went back to front. nevermind. hope u hav a safe journey to you next destination and i look forward to reading about where you are next. Ps Rob give it a rest u rnt brad.

  2. Hi you two, you seem to be in the swing of it now all this travel mularky. So pleased that you have enjoyed all the sights and sounds and tastes of India roll on Bangkok. Oh the birds are ringnecked parakeets now a common sight in the south of England as well, you can keep the 10 points I have no real use for them. Keep on blogging we think its great and look forward to hearing all about your travel news oh and the photo's are good. Leanne's camera is far superior to yours Rob! Enjoy it all, Love to you both. Anthony & Linda

  3. Absolutely loving the blog guys! I can't believe you've already ticked off a country, good work. Enjoy Bangkok, have a som tum on me (most delicious!) Looking forward to hearing more of your exciting adventures. Lots of love xxx ps Fab camera Leanne!

  4. Hi you two.You've done so much in only one week!!! So pleased things improved, it's all about the experience and lifes rich tapestry! Steven is a little concerned that you mention 'you realised Leanne was Chinese', it took you a long long time!!
    Keep the blogs coming. Lots of love to you both, The Harts. xxx

  5. Its only 1 week ago, that you both left London. but you both have been through so much. Well done.
    We hope you can show us the video of the traffic, it sound so interesting.
    we know it take you both a long time to do the blog, but we know everyone is enjoying it, please keep it up.
    Miss you both.
    love Jan & KK XXxxx

  6. I would have really liked to see the kid making some pebbles, have your camera ready next time. Enjoy Bangkok Lucy Liu and Dev Patel..
    James John Armstrong. Aged 23 and 14 days.

  7. Awww I love reading these, please do lots more! So funny that you got hounded by kiddie paparazzi you should of lapped it up! India sounds a strange place but cool. Keep up the good work

    P.s Loving the pic jumping in front of the Taj Mahal and Rob you just ARE Dev Patel its unreal!

    love Hayley xoxox

  8. You have done so much in a week its exciting. I'm loving reading these blogs, makes me feel like I'm part of your travels. Photos are good too, bet you are gutted Leanne's camera is superior to yours!
    Enjoy Bangkok!

    Also agree with the Dev Patel comment!

    Love Holly xxxx
