Saturday 3 December 2011

The Two Sides of India: Part 1

Things started off well and we boarded our flight earlier than expected. We were a bit worried that it would be delayed due to the strikes. However we were delayed by a problem with the plane, something about the nose?? We eventually got in the the air 2 and a half hours later than scheduled.

We had booked an airport transfer but due to the delays noone was there, we called the hotel and got them to send someone. "He is on his way" she told us...Yea sure! After another 2 hours of waiting outside the airport to no avail we decided to just try and find our own to the hotel. How hard could it be??

It turns out it was impossible. We managed to take a metro to the train station where we would get an auto rickshaw to our hotel. After 2 minutes on the rickshaw, 2 crazy minutes spent nervously clinging on to our rucksacks winding through the Delhi traffic, our driver stopped and told us that our hotel was in an area that was closed to the public. There was a language barrier but we think we heard the word bomb!

He ended up taking us to a supposedly 'Government' tourist deptartment where we spent two hours trying to find a hotel, apparently all hotels were fully booked an our orignal hotel would not honour the reservation. Oh great! They changed the stories so many times about why we could not get to the hotel we are sure they were scamming us! In the end we didn't really know what to do, where we were going to stay or anything so we decided to book a tour with them. For a reasonable price we got a driver who would take us to Jaipur, Agra and back to Delhi: The Golden Triangle. All of our accommodation would also be included.

Our bad luck didn't stop here though. An hour on the way to Jaipur a warning light came on the car. We spent the next 2 hours looking around little roadside shacks and little towns in the middle of nowhere for a mechanic to fix the car! We didn't get to our hotel till 3am on Friday morning. Still not having slept or eaten in India!

At this point we wanted to just go home and weren't sure about the next 8 months. What if everyday was like this. Leanne broke down in floods of tears...ok she didnt really but it sounds more dramatic that way! But I'm pretty sure we both felt like it.

We would have some pictures to show you of our journey but having being conned we didn't feel safe enough to take our camera out. We even had a sleeping rota in the car so one of us was awake at all times. We know it sounds pathetic but you weren't there!

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